Curbside or Valet Trash, Recycling & Food Scraps/Composting Services in the High Country ​
Next holiday observed is Memorial Day, May 26, and ALL pick ups will be delayed by one day.
Pay As You Throw (PAYT) Is Coming!
Be Cart Smart & Start Trash, Recycling & Composting Services with
Garbage Gurus & the Art Trucks in Summit County, Colorado
Summit County Wonks:
Click on the links below to read the new rules for properties within the town limits of Breckenridge:
Ordinance No. 24, Series 2022 - Solid waste hauler regulations
Administrative Rules & Regulations of the Department of Public Works
... and within the town limits of Frisco:
Town of Frisco County of Summit State of Colorado Ordinance 22-04
For everyone else:
Think of your trash capacity/ usage as a utility expense. The more you use, the more you pay. Your trash cart size (32, 64 or 96 gallon) will proportionally determine what you pay. The cost of servicing a 32-gallon cart is the base rate. Rates offered by haulers to service a 64-gallon cart must be at least 80% more expensive than servicing a 32. Rates offered by haulers to service a 96-gallon cart must be at least 160% more expensive than servicing a 32.
New regulations do not allow you to overfill your cart with bulging trash. Your trash cart lid must close fully when placed at the curb. If you choose a smaller cart size and overfill your cart three times, then by law your hauler must increase your cart size to the next size up and you must pay the higher costs for ongoing service.
Recycling must be included with any trash service for one rate in Frisco by April 1, 2023 with 90% conversion of residential customers to PAYT rules by October 1, 2023 in both Breckenridge and Frisco. One exception exists; trash-only service is available only for customers with On-Call service (no more than 1 trash pick up per month).
SAVE 10%! Garbage Gurus offers flat rates to everyone in Summit County. If our rates don't already help you save, share a copy or picture of your most recent bill detailing your rate, taxes & surcharges & we guarantee we'll save you 10%.
Is my Breckenridge address affected?
Click here to search and see if your address is considered as in-town.
Seniors, First Responders & Teachers SAVE 15%
White-Glove Services for STRs Are Ineligible for Discounts
* Seniors (65+)
* First Responders: Firefighters, law enforcement officers, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, or other individuals (including an employee of a legally organized and recognized volunteer organization, whether compensated or not), who, in the course of his or her professional duties, responds to fire, medical, hazardous material, or other similar emergencies in Summit County.
* Teachers: Working in the Summit School District or at Rocky Mountain College.
Contact Garbage Gurus, 970-485-5709, to share proof of your eligibility to receive a coupon code to SAVE 15%.
Questions, comments, requests or referrals? Feel free to reach out, we’d love to hear from you.
Breckenridge, Colorado 80424