Curbside or Valet Trash, Recycling & Food Scraps/Composting Services in the High Country ​
Next holiday observed is Memorial Day, May 26, and ALL pick ups will be delayed by one day.

Biweekly (Every 2 Weeks) Recycling Services for Residents or Vacation Homes in Summit County, Colorado
Please visit the web page, Recycling FAQs, for detailed Single-Stream and Glass-Only recycling guidelines.
What is the Difference between Curbside and Valet Service?
With Curbside Service, you will be responsible for rolling your recycling can/cart to the end of the driveway and back on collection days. Valet Service is an option where we make the process easier for you and will remove your recycling from wherever the cart is stored even if it is behind a closed garage door.
Why Should I Consider Valet Recycling Services offered by Garbage Gurus?
Recycling is a responsibility. Week after week it piles up and needs to disappear for the loop to start anew. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. Your life is busy. It is inconvenient to sort your recycling at self-recycling centers, you can't be at the property each week, you don't want to drag your bin to the curb and back or you're sick of battling the driveway, weather and wildlife. In any event, you definitely have better things to do than to invest time and energy in handling your recycling. Let Garbage Gurus give you a hand and make it disappear.
Valet Recycling Services offered by Garbage Gurus are worry-free options for single-stream recycling (allowable plastics, paper materials, aluminum and tin) and separate glass-only recycling. Simply collect your recycling in two different bins, one for single-stream items and the other for glass bottles or jars, all colors, in your garage to await pickup. From there, Garbage Gurus will collect your recycling without any extra efforts required of you.
How does the Garbage Gurus, Valet, Recycling-Collection Service work?
Select your service needs online and provide us with details about how to access the recycling bin(s). Sharing your access code with us to remotely open the garage is the most common method. If you're wondering, we are bonded and insured. If you're not comfortable with us entering your garage, that's no problem. We'll pick up your recycling from just outside the garage door or from your front porch according to your preference and instructions. Next, we add you to the route for the day Garbage Gurus services your area. A Garbage Gurus handler will drive into your driveway with one of our small trucks, will gain access to, remove, and empty your single-stream recycling cart and/ or your glass-only recycling tote, will return the empty bin(s) to its storage position, and will take two pictures, your empty cart(s) and your closed garage door, to text to you along with a brief message informing you that your pick up has been completed. It's that simple. When you schedule a recycling pick up, we will repeat that process over and over again every two weeks until you tell us to do otherwise.
What are the different recycling services offered by Garbage Gurus?
Garbage Gurus offers two, biweekly, recycling services: Single-Stream Recycling, one (1) bin, 96 gallons or less, and Glass-Only Recycling, one (1) tote, 14 gallons. On-demand recycling for vacation homes may be available in the near future.
Three Recycling Service Plans for Summit County: Single-Stream, Glass-Only, or PAYT or Bundled Plans.
1. Single-Stream Recycling
2. Glass-Only Recycling, one (1) tote, 14 gallons or less.
3. PAYT or Bundled Service Plans are available in 96 gal., 64 gal. or 32 gal. options and include weekly or biweekly Trash-Removal Services, biweekly Single-Stream Recycling Service and biweekly Glass-Only Recycling Service in Summit County.
Please visit Recycling FAQs for detailed recycling guidelines.
When does Garbage Gurus pick up my recycling?
Visit the Garbage Gurus schedule for which day and week your single-stream recycling falls on.
Monday | Frisco, Keystone & Montezuma
Tuesday | Breckenridge (In-town, Boreas Pass, Baldy, Peaks 7, 8 & 9 and surrounding areas)
Wednesday | Blue River & Unincorporated Areas of Summit County south of the town of Breckenridge
Thursday | Silverthorne & Dillon
Friday | Breckenridge (Wellington Neighborhood to the Highlands & north to the High School)